Professional Facilitation Services - Virtual & In Person

I am a skilled Facilitative Leader known for conducting engaging and informative presentations and workshops, both in person and virtually.
I bring a compassionate and enthusiastic presence to my workshops and my style is very relatable to all ages, genders, and cultures. I have experience facilitating existing company programs as well as creating custom sessions and workshops.
Below is an overview of some of my experience. Feel free to reach out to me at info@gallant-coaching.com if you'd like to discuss my facilitation skills and experience further.
5 Key Roles of a Facilitator
Agenda Setting
A facilitator will use learning objectives to create an optimal course of action for a group session. This involves structuring topics of discussion and developing a clear, flexible plan to guide the group towards their goals.
To accommodate different learning styles and increase engagement, a facilitator will design activities that involve everyone from the more reserved to the very extroverted participants. Facilitators will use icebreakers and ground rules to foster open dialogue.
Ensuring the agenda is outcome-focused and guiding participants away from irrelevant discussions by nudging them to think deeper about topics.
Being empathetic to the different emotions, backgrounds, and egos of participants ensures conflict doesn’t arise and that emotions don't override logical decision making
A facilitator must be able to establish momentum, keep the pace, and re-engage participants whenever motivation and energy wanes by keeping discussion on track and adapting facilitation styles as needed.
How I Work:
Put simply: A facilitator plans, guides, and manages a group by steering them in a direction where their ideas and solutions flow and to ensure they meet their goals.
The feedback I have received is that I am naturally skilled at building a positive culture within the session, with the ability to shift gears on the fly depending on the needs of the group. I’m an expert communicator who practices active listening, while creating a space of compassion and psychological safety - where participants are comfortable expressing their thoughts in a safe, confidential, and non-judgemental space.
“The Solid Dude” - Workshop for teen boys and young men (2-3 hours)
How to be a ‘solid dude’ in modern youth society - topics include consent, pornography, addiction, violence prevention, boundaries, and more. Participants will leave with a renewed sense of personal responsibility, autonomy, and self-awareness that they are in control of their lives and that the decisions they make and actions that they take will determine their personal future success or defeats.
“The Sailboat Metaphor” - Workshop for anyone, any age (1-2 hours)
Rooted in Positive Psychology, this workshop positions YOU as the captain of your ship. Where you are responsible for your life and happiness, and the awareness that where you are in life is a direct result of the action you’ve taken and decisions you’ve made so far - and also provides the tools necessary for incredible identity change and personal transformation. This engaging workshop will allow you to examine your relationship with 8 specific elements that require your attention in order to sail your metaphorical ship with purpose, wellbeing, and life fulfillment.
Do you have a workshop or presentation in mind that would be perfect for a guy like me to facilitate? Let’s collaborate on it!
Professional Experience
Elan Experience (5 week program, 25hrs/week)
Group Facilitator for Sage Counselling & Addiction abstinence-based intensive outpatient addiction treatment program
Delivered virtually via Teams to average group size of 6 individuals over 5-weeks from 9am-2pm daily (Mon-Fri)
Common topics discussed include values, self esteem, relapse prevention, emotional control, and conflict resolution
True North Men’s Group (8-10 weeks, 2 hrs/week)
Facilitation of a virtual men’s group
Common topics discussed include depression/anxiety, relationship difficulties, fatherhood, and addiction.
Safeteen (2.5 hour workshops & presentations)
Facilitate engaging and unscripted workshops to male-identified highschool students across Lower Mainland
Common topics discussed include addiction, violence prevention, personal boundaries, consent culture, and pornography use.